How a NIE number prevented the notarial purchase contract from being concluded

A true story from our everyday business life on the subject of the NIE number. Preparation Of The Notary Appointment In order to finalise a real estate transaction by the notary, a thousand details have to be clarified. All the people involved, including the financing bank, work flat out towards the scheduled notary appointment. They organise, […] Read More

Legal information

Payment Process In Spain

When buying a property in Spain, the payment process is a significant issue. Below we have summarised all the important information for you. How is the property paid? In Spain, the property is paid on the day when the notarial deed of sale is signed at the notary’s office. If the seller has his main residence outside […] Read More

Legal information

New Type Of Tax Base For Properties In Spain From 2022 Onwards

There is a new type of tax base for properties in Spain. Due to the new law against tax fraud that has been passed, the tax base for real estate transactions will change from 1st January 2022. This will have an impact on property tax, land transfer tax on the acquisition of existing properties, as well as estate, inheritance and gift taxes. Read More

Legal information
NIE Mallorca

Anyone who wants to buy a property in Spain, needs a NIE number!

Without a NIE number (identity number for foreigners), it is not possible for foreigners to buy property in Spain. Before the Corona pandemic, there were many ways to apply for a NIE number. Read More

For interested parties, Legal information
Building standards in rural areas

Building standards in rural areas

Since 25 May 2020 the new law "Decreto Ley 9/2020 de medidas urgentes de protección del territorio de las Illes Balears" regulates the construction standards in rural areas ("suelo rústico"). Read More

Legal information

Powers of attorney in Mallorca

You would like to issue powers of attorney for your property in Mallorca? Then you must consider the Spanish attorney right. Read More

For owners, Legal information
holiday rental

Holiday rental – real estate with yield?

Holiday rental is a very important topic in Mallorca. Lawyer Mr. Dominic Porta, from PORTA & ASSOCIATES, was pleased to answer three important questions on the subject. Read More

For owners, Legal information
Code of Conduct

Code of conduct for the real estate sector in Mallorca

A code of conduct for the real estate industry in Mallorca makes a lot of sense. One point is to strengthen consumer rights in Mallorca. The other main topic is to prevent unfair competition in property sales and rentals. Read More

For interested parties, For owners, Legal information

Taxes already paid?

In autumn, in most of the municipalities on Mallorca different taxes and fees are due to be paid. These include, for example, property tax, garbage fees or motor vehicle tax. The payment terms are different in each municipality. Read More

For owners, Legal information

Verify your property with CCC Real Estate

Verify your real estate by a lawyer with CCC Real Estate! This way you give the buyer a good feeling, as the legal situation has been clarified. Read More

For owners, Legal information